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equilibrium distribution中文是什么意思

用"equilibrium distribution"造句"equilibrium distribution"怎么读"equilibrium distribution" in a sentence


  • 均衡分布
  • 均衡分配
  • 平衡分布


  • Quasi equilibrium distribution
  • Unfortunately , it is difficult to obtain the non - equilibrium distribution functions by strictly solving the qgp kinetic equations
  • In section 2 . 3 , we ' ll discuss the dominant relations between distributions and their corresponding equilibrium distributions
    3节主要讨论了分布f与其相应的均衡分布f _ e之间的控制与归属关系,本章最后一节2
  • That is , the equilibrium distribution function takes the form of logarithm in order to insure the equilibrium distribution function being the positive number , which can improve the stability of lbgk method
  • Ergodicity and symmetry of such processes are also investigated and solved . equilibrium distributions are then established . kendall ' s conjecture for the processes is proved to hold
  • Equilibrium distribution of an ion between soil solution and solid phase was described by a distribution coefficient , k . the k was a ratio of cs and c1 and a conditional equilibrium constant , which cs and c were quantity of k in solid and solution phase respectively
    随水吸力增大,固相钾离子( cs )比率下降,液相钾离子比率逐渐增加,分配系数k减小。在水吸力约为1 . 5 10 ~ 5pa时,四种土壤钾离子在固液相间的分配达到稳定,分配系数为最小。
  • In this paper , the repairable queuing system with police is studied . some important queuing quantities and reliability quantities are in detail discussed as follows : ( 1 ) using the renewal process theory and the method of stochastic decomposition , both the transient and equilibrium distributions of the queue length from any state are discussed , and the recursion expression of the equilibrium distribution is given by furthermore , the generating function of equilibrium queuing length distribution is given by ( 2 ) the distribution of waiting time is discussed , and the mean waiting time is given by ( 3 ) the departure of the system is discussed , and the mean value of departure customers when is given by
    具体如下: ( 1 )利用更新过程理论和随机分解方法,讨论了从任意初始状态出发队长分布的瞬态解和稳态解,得到了队长平稳分布的递推公式:并进一步求得了系统的稳态队长分布的母函数( 2 )讨论了稳态等待时间分布,求得了平均等待时间: ( 3 )讨论了系统的输出过程,求得了长期单位时间内离去顾客的平均数: ( 4 )讨论了服务台的不可用度,得到了稳态不可用度: ( 5 )讨论了内服务台平均故障次数,求得了长期单位时间内的平均故障次数
用"equilibrium distribution"造句  
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